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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nabokov, "Good Readers and Good Writers."

Nabokov, he believes a good reader should have at least four of these sense in order to read. Which are imagination, memory, a dictionary, and some artistic sense. Which I believe is true, we need imagination to image our writer theme and setting of the story. The memory for keeping what we have learned or read in our minds, so we could tell this story to others and to teach them what we have learned from our authors. Dictionaries for those who don’t know some of the reader’s words that they have used in their story or in that case a dictionary for those we already have in our brains that we have learned already. And of course an artistic sense, that helps our imagination flow nicely and to help us visualize our setting. So I believe that this makes a reader a good read.


  1. I think this is a good agreement on your part. I too believe in the same characteristics of good readers that were stated in his reading. I think imagination is the most important though. To me, being able to really visualize and compare the reading to a reality is what brings literature to life and I think this is a common belief between all of us.

  2. Hi,
    I enjoyed your direct approach to answering the required questions. Nabokov was equally direct and you did a great job of reciting his prerequisites of a good reader. What I liked is that you want on to explain why each one is necessary with good reason. The post was somewhat short, but overall it was well done and clearly written.

  3. Good post. I agree with you since my ideas are fairly similar to yours. They may not be exactly the same but the main key is to have an imagination and an artistic notion. I have also mentioned in my blog the reader should be attached in some way to the book in order to visualize the setting. Its nice to know how many people share the same opinion or beliefs on what makes a good reader. Nice blog though, keep up the good work!
